Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Burgerfest! :D

On May 5th we're going to have the first Burgerfest on UVM :D
And obviously everybody can buy our amazing burger, called Borgari, its a burger we created, and it has, bacon, pastor meat, oaxaca cheese, pickles, carrot, potatoes, and an AMAZING! Pineapple dressing that you are just going to love! *¬* So, hope you try it, because it is going to be only for 25 pesos! :D. We think it's not a single hamburger its THE hamburger... I'm really excited about this... So, hope everything is going to be excelent!! :D And as I don't have anything else to say, hope everybody who read this try our burger, I definetly have to promotion my blog...
And finally we are going to sell, tickets to buy our burger, i hope everybody can help us :D

--------> Our logo :D

By the way in the last post it's my poster for the Burgerfest so please comment what do you think ok?

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