Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Checking Blogs

Anthony Bourdain is a chef who visit a lot of places, and I was reading one of his post in his blog, and it's so interesting, because, he write of every place he go. 

Like the post I read, it says about a places that he visit to make his show, and all the things he do when he was there, he says that he visit South Beach for a festival of food and wine,and he went to the "Burger Bash" that i dont have idea what it is, but i think its something related with burgers xD,  also he went to Cambodia.

---> Cambodia :)

And I think its so interesting, because, he visit a lot of places that are great, really i wish I could visit so many places as him, because, he can taste the gastronomy of this countries and cities, and see the diferent culture the people have in another places.

Sometimes he also write about things that happens to him, when he is going to make his show to different places like in this one, he talks I think there are television series, and, that is also interesting in his blog, he doesn't only talk about his travels, he also talks about himself, and what happen, in the week.

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