Monday, March 21, 2011

MAC and Mask Museum! (:

Yesterday I went to the MAC and the Mask Museum, It was amazing, I saw the exhibitions that have there, First I went to the Mask Museum, and I can saw, the different kind of mask they have there, and there isn't only masks, they have an exhibition of all kind of antique furniture, something that impressed me, was the building, it was amazing!! I really like it, the way it is built, it's beautiful, I love a building, with a lot of stairs and this kind of bridges, It's so cool! :D

After I went to the Mask Museum, I went to the MAC, and have and exhibition that I really like, in the first gallery there is an exhibition called " Esculturas Desmontadas" that is like, an abstraction of different sculptures, then in the next gallery, it's a exhibition called, "Ondas",all the concept of this paintings, are made by curved figures. And the last exhibition it's upstairs, and it's called "Hojas" and there are a lot of really cool paintings, who seems like many leaves painted together, and there are a part of the exhibition who has 12 paintings, and each one, it's a month of the year, at least, I interpret in that way. All this paintings was created by Totte Mannes a Finnish painter born in 1933, who actually lives on Madrid.

And this was my Sunday at the MAC and the Mask Museum! It was so amazing!! I really like it a lot, and I recommend a lot going to appreciate all this art we have in our city (: and if you go with someone who appreciate the art, as the person who went with me you would enjoy it even more, Hope you like my post, and you can visit this places that worth it!!! (:

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